Bill Purvis' Bell Pages - Cummins Ringing Simulators

Some photos of recently acquired machines.

This is a MK8 simulator. 8 bells. Plywood and chipboard case. Discrete logic. Synthesised sounds.

This is a recent acquisition, and was working when last used about 10 years ago. Currently, it can ring rounds but goes haywire when requested to start a method. We have no operating instructions for this machine, so it may just be that we have not found the right settings for it!

This is a MK16 simulator. Chipboard case. Note the socketed memory chip at the top. This is a one-off addition, the other MK16s have the momory chip on the main logic board and hence only accessible by partially dismantling the machine. The socket here is simply an extension, the cable plugging into the normal socket on the logic board.

This model has sampled sounds and is in working condition, at least as far as has been tested so far.

I don't know if this will work for you, but here's a short video clip of this machine in action:

Video of Cummins Machine playing

Another MK16 with sampled sounds. This is in a slightly more elegant case and has additional arrangements on the side for patching in sensor inputs from bell sensors.

This one is incomplete. There is no case for it, and no power supply, but I hope to connect it to the power unit in another machine at some point to test it.

I am not aware as to where this fits into the scheme of things but it looks more advanced than the MK8 which we have, but is still discrete logic, and therefore prior to the MK16. I have temporarily designated it as Mark 12!

This simulator only provides for 8 bells, and has a limited range of methods, Grandsire, Stedman, and one additional programmable one.

Page Created by Bill Purvis. Last update 21st August, 2015
Contact me at: bill 'at'

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