Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 General

The 803 is a general purpose electronic computer. It solves problems by obeying previously prepared programmes of simple instructions automatically and at high speed: the term "general purpose" is used to indicate that programmes can be written for a very large variety of applications. Once the programme required to solve one problem has been prepared, it can be used time and again for the solution of similar problems.

The writer of a programme, or programmer, requires a detailed understanding of the problem which is to be solved, together with the ability to express the solution as a sequence of elementary arithmetical steps.

This guide comprises an introduction to programming, with particular reference to the 803, and it is specifically intended for the reader with little or no programming knowledge.

An extensive collection of programmes is available for use with the 803, and full details are given in the publication "The Elliott 803 Library of Programmes". Reference is made to some of these in this guide, and it is shown that use can be made of them to reduce the work of solving new problems.

1.2 The Component Parts of the Computer

sketch of component parts

Figure 1 shows the parts of the computer with which the programmer is concerned. There exists also, of course, control and arithmetic units, which respectively cause and enable the computer to carry out it's programme. Detailed knowledge of these devices is not essential to a programmer.

1.2.1 The Store

The instructions to be obeyed and the data to be used in a calculation are placed in the store before the calculation commences, and remain there until actually required, when they pass from it to the control and arithmetic units at a suitably high speed. Without such an arrangement, the effective speed of the computer would be limited by the delays incurred in feeding each instruction and number in, and taking out each answer, including intermediate answers, by some manual or mechanical method.

The store of the 803 is divided into many different compartments termed locations; there may be 1024, 2048, 4096 or 8192 of these. Each location can hold one word, that is: one number or two instructions. The locations are numbered from 0 upwards, the number of each location being referred to as its address. The word stored in a location, whether it be a number or two instructions, is termed that location's content, e.g. the word store in the location whose address is 456 is "the content of location 456", which is written "C(456)".

In describing the actionof the computer, the letter N will frequently be used to to represent the address of a location: C(N) therefore indicates the "content of location N". In abridged notation, C(N) is written n.

Locations 0 to 3 are reserved for a special purpose, as will be explained later, but each of the remaining locations may be used for instructions or data, the allocation being at the discretion of the programmer.

1.2.2 The Accumulator and the Auxiliary Register

In most arithmetical operations there are two operands. The usual manner in which 803 performs one step of a calculation is to take one number from its store, and perform some arithmetical operation with it and the number held in a device called the accumulator. This device, which is closely associated with the arithmetic unit, is capable of holding one word. It is denoted by A, and its content by C(A). In abridged notation, C(A) is written a.

In some operations an extension is required to the accumulator, and this extension is called the auxiliary register.

1.2.3 The Input Tape Reader and Output Tape Punch

The tape reader is used for feeding instructions and data into the computer before it carries out its calculations, and the tape punch is used by the computer to pass out its results. Perforated teleprinter tape, used in these devices, is a most convenient medium; for the input tapes (programmes and data) may be readily prepared, and the output tapes (results) readily interpreted, using standard teleprinter equipment.

Punched cards may also be used as an input medium. A separate publication describes the method of use.

1.2.4 Keyboard

This carries the push buttons, indicator lamps and other devices which enable the operator to control the computer and check that it is operating correctly.

1.3 Form of Instructions

Each instruction is composed of two parts, denoted by F and N, of which:

To distinguish between the two uses of the number part of an instruction, we use N for the general case and for use (i), and N for use (ii).

1.3.1 Examples of Instructions

Name of Function Number Effect
Instruction F N
Replace 30 N The existing C(A) is deleted, and
replaced by a copy of C(N).
Subtract 05 N C(N) is subtracted from the exist-
ing C(A), which is deleted and
replaced by the difference.
Note: neither of the above actions affects C(N) itself.
Exchange 10 N C(A) and C(N) are interchanged.
Double C(A) 55 N C(A) is doubled N times
e.g. if N=5, the new C(A) will be
32 times the old.

1.3.2 Example 1

Suppose that, at some stage in a calculation, the two numbers x and y are held in locations 5 and 6, and that it is required that (8x - y) be placed in location 7, for use later on. The instructions which the computer must obey to effect this are:

F N Contents after obeying each instruction
C(A) C(5) C(6) C(7)
Initially... ? x y ?
30 5 x x y ?
55 3 8x x y ?
05 6 (8x-y) x y ?
10 7 ? x y (8x-y)

As mentioned in 1.2.1, instructions are held in the store, two instructions occupying one location. The instructions in the above example could be held, for instance, in locations 100 and 101. To express this we could write:

Address Instructions
F1 N1 F2 N2
100 30 5 55 3
101 05 6 10 7
The computer is designed to obey the two instructions in one location, and then proceed with those in the next location, and so on, automatically.

1.3.3 Exercise 1

Given the same starting point as that in Example 1, write the programme needed to cause the following to be placed in location 7.

  1. 64x + 8y (see below)
  2. 2x - 4y
In (a), use will be needed of the following function:
Name F N Effect
Add 04 N C(N) is added to the existing C(A),
which is deleted and replaced by the sum.

Transfer Instructions

1.4.1 Conditional Transfers

Situations of the following type arise in many problems:

Two unequal positive numbers, p and q, are held in locations 8 and 9, and these must be re-arranged, if neccesary, so that the lesser is in location 8, and the greater in location 9.

In order that the computer may determine whether a rearrangement is needed, it is designed to carry out what are termed conditional transfer functions, of which the following is typical:

Name F        N Effect
Transfer to first
instruction if
C(A) is negative
41      N If the number in the accumulator is positive or zero,
the computer takes no action, and proceeds to the
next instruction in normal sequence.
But if the number in the accumulator is negative,
the computer breaks normal sequence, proceeds
to obey the first instruction in location N, and then
continues to obey instructions in sequence from
that new point.

Example 2

The scheme to solve the problem posed above is:

Form the difference (p-q). If this is positive, a re-arrangement is necessary, so carry it out. But if (p-q) is negative, no rearrangement is required, so the rearrangement must be omitted.

The program is:

Address   Instructions
F1 N1 F2 N2  
150 30 8 05 9 Form (p-q) in accumulator.
151 41 153 30 8 If negative, omit these steps
152 10 9 10 8 if positive, interchange 8 and 9
153 Next part of programme.

1.4.2 Unconditional Transfers

In the case instanced above, the computer is required to determine whether to "do something" or "not to do something". Where the problem requires a discrimination between "doing one thing" and "doing another", an unconditional transfer function may be useful as a complement to the conditional transfer. Such a function is:

Name   F    N Effect
unconditionally to
first instruction
40  N The computer breaks normal sequence,
proceeds to obey the first instruction
in location N, and then continues to
obey instructions in sequence from
that new point.

Example 3

Two different positive numbers are held in locations 24 and 25, and it is required to make both equal to the greater.

The scheme is:

Compare C(24) and C(25). If C(24) is the greater, place a copy in location 25 and proceed to the next part of the programme. If C(25) is greater, place a copy in location 24, and proceed to the next part of the programme.

The unconditional transfer is used to effect the underlined step, as the programme shows:

Address Instructions
F1 N1 F2 N2  
250 30 24 05 25
251 41 253 30 24 If C(24) is greater, place a copy in location 25,
and skip the next two instructions
252 10 25 40 254
253 30 25 10 24 If C(25) is greater, place a copy in location 24.
254 Next part of programme.

Other Uses of Unconditional Transfers

It is not always convenient to have two parts of a programme in adjacent sections of the store. For instance, in Example 3 the next part of the programme might be in locations 500, 501.....

In such cases, an unconditional transfer instruction would be inserted at the end of one section to cause the computer to transfer to the next.

1.4.3 Exercise 2

  1. Expand the programme of Example 2 to deal with the case where C(8), C(9) and C(10), all different positive numbers, have to be assembled in ascending order of magnitude, using the following scheme:
    1. Compare C(8) and C(9): if C(8) is greater, rearrange.
    2. Repeat for C(8) and C(10).
    3. Repeat for C(9) and C(10).
  2. Place your instructions in locations 250 upwards and assume that the next part of the programme is in location 700.
  3. Examine the effect achieved if two of the numbers are equal.

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